The search for the author or contributors found 26 results.

E. R. Long

Volume: 36 - Edition: 4 Pt 1 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1968
Olaf K. Skinsnes new editor of the Journal
E. R. Long

Volume: 36 - Edition: 4 Pt 1 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1968
Book review
E. R.Long

Volume: 36 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1968
The lymphocyte and resistance to leprosy
E.R. Long

Volume: 36 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1968
H. W. Wade 1886 - 1968
E. R. Long

Volume: 36 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1968
Book review
E. R. Long

Volume: 36 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1968
Leprosy and tuberculosis
E. R. Long

Volume: 35 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1967
Controlled trials in the chemotherapy of leprosy
E. R. Long

Volume: 35 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1967
Controversy over erythema nodosum leprosum
E. R. Long

Volume: 35 - Edition: 2 Pt 1 - Apr/May/Jun - 1967
Leprosy in the world today
E. R. Long

Volume: 35 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb - 1967
Book Reviews
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 4 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1966
DDS and Malaria
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 4 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1966
Book review
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1966
Antagonism among diseases
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 2 - Apr/May/Jun - 1966
BCG vaccination
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 2 - Apr/May/Jun - 1966
Book reviews
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1966
The chemoprophylaxis of mycobacterial diseases
E. R. Long

Volume: 34 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1966
Current literature
E. R. Long

Volume: 33 - Edition: 4 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1965
Subtitle for THE JOURNAL and change in format
E. R. Long

Volume: 32 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1964
Book reviews
E. R. Long

Volume: 35 - Edition: 4 Pt 1 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1967
Proceedings of a sulfone symposium
E. R. Long

Volume: 35 - Edition: 4 Pt 1 - Oct/Nov/Dec - 1967
Cost of the journal
E. R. Long

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